I actually enjoy a good discussion on pornography and the church. I am of the opinion that there is so much more damaging about pornography than the actual viewing and masturbation. Psychological issues and addiction issues (both to the viewers and the women in the porn) as well as the terrible association this industry has with sex trafficking and worker's rights. Don't want to believe me? Just know that my line of work is with Human Rights Education at a very well known private university. I'm not just saying this because I'm "religious."
I know of a lot of people who like to use the cop-out "reverse psychology" answer to the pornography problem: men look at porn because they are told not to by the church and their entire culture.
News flash: The church and my religious culture tell me not to beat my kids. I don't have this secret desire to beat my kids. Too harsh of a comparison? Okay. I don't have any desire to smoke, or cheat on my husband, or steal from my favorite clothing store, or shamelessly flirt with the cute guy at... wait, do I know any cute guys? I need to get out more. ;)
Anyway, my point is that this topic is so so so complex. The underlying reasons for why certain men look at and/or are addicted to pornography are complicated and convoluted.
I plan to post soon about these topics as well as touch on the questions posed in today's Ask Mormon Girl's post, including the fact that I knowingly married a guy who has struggled with porn.
Unfortunately, I'm at work today and we are headed away for the weekend (with no internet access).
So if you are interested in these discussions, bookmark this page and come back next week.
(Link to the post on Ask Mormon Girl: http://askmormongirl.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/ask-mormon-girl-the-mormon-men-in-my-life-have-porn-issues-help/)